LG Refrigerator Settlement in Canada

Important Dates



Summary of your legal rights and options



Submit a Claim

The deadline to submit a Claim is October 25, 2024.


Opt Out of the Settlement

The deadline to Opt Out of the Settlement is August 26, 2024.


Do Nothing

If you do nothing, you will be bound by the Settlement terms and the orders issued by the Court concerning the Settlement.


Object to the Settlement

The deadline to Object to the Settlement was January 22, 2024. There is no longer an opportunity to Object to the Settlement.

Are you a Canadian resident who purchased from LG Canada or an authorized retailer, other than for resale, a Covered Model of LG Refrigerator produced between January 30, 2014 and May 27, 2024?

If YES, a Proposed Class Action Settlement may affect your rights.


A lawsuit alleges that certain models of LG Refrigerators (Covered Models) suffer from a defect that can cause them to stop cooling. The term No-Cooling Event in this notice means any event when your Covered Model LG Refrigerator failed to maintain temperature levels necessary to preserve food, beverages, medicine, or other perishables. None of the allegations made in the lawsuit have been proven and LG Electronics Canada, Inc. (LG Canada) has not been found liable for any of the claims raised in this lawsuit. The parties have instead proposed a settlement in order to avoid lengthy litigation (the Settlement).


Under the settlement, which has been approved nationwide by the court, you can receive money by making a claim if you are a member of the Settlement Class (Canadian residents who purchased from LG Canada or an authorized retailer, other than for resale, a Covered Model of LG Refrigerator and are not excluded from the Settlement Class), if your LG Refrigerator experienced a No-Cooling Event within two (2) years of purchase, and if:


  1. you paid for parts or labor to have your LG Refrigerator repaired;
  2.  you had multiple repairs;
  3.  you had delayed repairs;
  4.  you suffered property loss or property damage including any flooring damage, spoiled food, beverages, medicine, or other perishables attributable to a No-Cooling Event of your LG Refrigerator; and/or
  5.  you disposed of or replaced your LG Refrigerator because of a No-Cooling Event.

You can receive up to $150 in compensation without documentation to support a claim and can receive further compensation if you provide documentation.


This website contains important information about the class action, and summarizes your rights and options.


For additional information, please read the FAQ or view the Long-Form Notice available here.


Important Dates and Deadlines:


  • Submit a Claim: In order to receive money from this Settlement, you must submit a completed claim form by October 25, 2024. To download a copy of the Claim Form for mail or email submission, please click here. To complete the online Claim Form, please click here.

  • Opt Out: If you wish to be excluded from the Settlement Class, you must submit an Opt-Out Form by mail, courier or email by August 26, 2024.

  • Object: The Objection deadline was January 22, 2024.

  • Settlement Approval Hearing: The Settlement Approval Hearing took place on March 6, 2024 at 10:00 am EST.


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